Thursday, 27 February 2025
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Donkey Kong Grabs a Place in List of Highest-Grossing Arcade Machines

Added: 06.01.2015 12:00 | 13 views | 0 comments

Article: Donkey Kong Grabs a Place in List of Highest-Grossing Arcade Machines

Can you guess number one?


Game of the Year 1994: Sonic 3 Knuckles

Added: 31.12.2014 11:10 | 25 views | 0 comments

Chris Mawson writes: "As 2014 draws to a close, the staff here at Power Up Gaming are currently considering which games of the past year are most worthy of their praise. It's been a year of highs but also considerable lows, with some stellar titles being overshadowed by a few bug-riddled messes. As a result, we've decided to take a step back in time to a gaming era where things were, for the most part, much simpler. As 1994 came to an end, titles including Super Metroid, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Donkey Kong Country and Tekken were amongst the many contenders for game of the year. For us, however, it was Sega's last entry in its 2D Sonic the Hedgehog series that was most worthy of the accolade. Today, we fondly revisit a staple of many of our childhoods: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Knuckles."


Best of the rest 2014: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze deserves more love than it got

Added: 29.12.2014 21:10 | 20 views | 0 comments

Polygon: It came out at the beginning of the year, with little fanfare on a platform that's still not doing so hot. Plus, it's a Donkey Kong Country game, a series long (and wrongly) accused of offering flash over substance. When it was announced last year at E3, people were underwhelmed many wanted developer Retro Studios to make a Metroid game, not another Donkey Kong Country. It's too bad, because Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is the finest platformer of 2014, and one of the best designed games of the year, in any genre.


Hyrule Warriors Review | Warp Zoned

Added: 24.12.2014 17:11 | 66 views | 0 comments

Warp Zoned writes: "Ever since Ocarina of Time, the Legend of Zelda franchise has been near and dear to my heart. When the first trailers for Hyrule Warriors were released, I didnt know quite what to think about it. It wasnt quite a Zelda game, really, at least not in the traditional sense. However, as Link bombastically destroyed huge waves of enemies with increasingly over-the-top weapons, I found myself intrigued. Nintendo doesnt often trust its most popular franchises to parties outside the company, although that has changed in recent years as Retro Studios continues to release solid titles like Donkey Kong Country Returns and Metroid Prime. However, aside from the much maligned CD-i games (that would eventually become fuel for countless YouTube parodies) and Capcoms handheld entries, Nintendo has rarely trusted another company with the Zelda franchise. In that sense, Hyrule Warriors is a unique animal, and I couldnt wait to try it out."


GameEnthus Podcast ep211: Cards Against Memory or GOTY 2014

Added: 24.12.2014 15:11 | 29 views | 0 comments

This week Marcus(@MajorLinux) from The Off The Rails Show stops by GameEnthus HQ to talk with Tiny(@Tiny415), Mike(@AssaultSuit) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) about: Far Cry 4, Sniper Elite, Freedom Wars, Shadows of Mordor, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Forza Horizon 2, Pokemon, Uncharted Golden Abyss, South Park Stick of Truth, Shovel Knight, Call of Duty Advanced Warefare, BasketBelle, Metro Redux, Xeodrifter, Kalimba, Steel Empire, Stealth Inc. 2, Juju, #IDARB, Halo 5 beta, Boss!, The Wolf Among US, Diablo 3, Disney Infinity 2.0, Dance Central Spotlight, Final Fantasy X/X-2, Luftrausers, Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Bravely Default, Theatrhythm, Infamous Second Son, The Last of us Remastered, Titanfall, Sunset Overdrive, The Banner Saga, 2048, Hearthstone, Shadowrun, Dragon Age Inquisition, Strider, Gang Beasts, Road Redemption, Hyrune Warriors, Metrico, Rayman Legends, Peggle 2, Assassins Creed: Freedom Cry, Towerfall Ascension, Killer Instinct, Smash Bros...


Best of 2014 Awards: Best Nintendo Console Exclusive

Added: 20.12.2014 22:00 | 22 views | 0 comments

Winner: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Launching a Super Smash Bros. game on a portable system seemed to be a bold move for a publisher that has embodied gaming in its own way altogether. Mario is Mario and Luigi had his own freakin' year. What could Smash Bros. do to be bigger and better than ever before? The 3DS version proved a wind-up while the Wii U version will surely prove a smash hit. Faster, sharper, prettier, more immediately and variably engaging, and full of more beloved characters than ever before, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U rather expectedly beats much of 2014 to a pulp. Nominees: Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Read our Super Smash Bros. for Wii U review here>>
Visit our Best of GR hub>>


Eleven Interesting Donkey Kong Cameos and Crossovers

Added: 18.12.2014 6:11 | 17 views | 0 comments

"Donkey Kong was a big game. In fact, itd not be an exaggeration at all to say that without it, Nintendo would not be where they are today. So it should be no surprise that the there have been great deal of Donkey Kong cameos and crossovers over the years. Here are a few of my favourites (discounting crossovers like Smash Bros. and the Mario and Sonic games)." - Rice Digital


Donkey Kong Land Rated And Ready For North American 3DS Virtual Console Release

Added: 17.12.2014 18:11 | 9 views | 0 comments

NLife: "After a successful 3DS Virtual Console début in both Japan and Europe earlier this year, the 1995 Game Boy title Donkey Kong Land is finally on its way to North America. Evidence of the anticipated re-release has appeared via the ESRB. Released a year after the success of the Super Nintendo original, Donkey Kong Land has the Kongs recapturing their banana hoard when Cranky becomes jealous of their initial success. With four worlds, and the same level archetypes as Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong Land is considered just as ground-breaking in a multitude of different ways."


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